Thanks to Positive Birth Hypnobirthing classes, I learned to write my birth preferences, which empowered me to have my say in my deliveries and aftercare. It also allowed my husband and I to meet and spend time with like-minded couples having babies around the same time. These couples are now our friends, whom we see weekly while we watch our babies grow up together.
Wednesday afternoon, two days after my due date, I began having surges. They came and went, with no pattern, and were so mild. I enjoyed a big dinner and an early night, thinking I'd have my baby in the next 12 hours. The following day, the surges continued. I used all the tips discussed in Hypnobirthing to get the oxytocin flowing! I walked around Gronez (it's very uneven around there!), had a big lunch at El Tico, and then returned home as the surges picked up. I parked myself in our bedroom and watched Disney films while frantically bouncing on a birthing ball as my husband recorded the surges on the Freya app.
By 5 p.m. on Thursday, the surges were becoming intense. I was confident I was at least 5cm dilated, and we headed into maternity. We were taken to a room and left to settle in. My husband made it feel like home by unpacking our things, displaying fairy lights, and turning on the diffuser. A midwife came and checked and told me I was only 1cm! However, within 4 hours, the surges increased, and I was again asked what I wanted - I replied, "I want to go home!"... they call this 'the transition'! Due to a heart condition, it was recommended I have an epidural, although, after two attempts, it didn't work. Thankfully, I had gas and air to get me through! By 5am Friday, I was 10cm dilated, my waters broke, and with just two pushes, my daughter flew into the world at 5:20am. Bringing Elurrá straight to me, I felt so proud.

Although I laboured naturally with Elurrá, we decided that an elective C-Section would be the safer choice for the delivery of our second daughter. This decision was made with the support of a consultant and anaesthetist. These professionals not only helped us discuss our options but also ensured they'd be responsible for my care on the delivery date.
Using the knowledge and advice we received at the Hypnobirthing course we did two years ago, I was able to write my birth preferences for my C-Section. I arrived at Maternity on a Tuesday morning at 7:30am; I was taken to a bed on a ward and told we'd be heading to theatre at 9am. The anesthetist and consultant visited me to review the plan we'd discussed and check if I was happy and well.

At 9am, my husband and I made our way to the theatre; it was so comforting to see the consultant and anaesthetist there; I felt so safe and calm. At 9:50am, our baby girl, Goldie, entered the world. Our wishes and preferences for my C-Section and aftercare were all carefully considered and valued during the delivery.
Thank you, May and Jan at Positive Birth Jersey, for empowering and educating us on two of the biggest life events we've ever had!